On 10/30/2016 at 3:53 AM, WOS08 said:Hey , i have a question about the customizer 5.0 , you can make only shirt ? Or it`s possible to put some other products ? Hoodies, mouse pad and other stuff ? So i understand you only can put designs on the front, thats right ? sorry for my english 🙂
thanks for your help Pascal from Mönchengladbach Germany
Using Illustrator, don't use Photoshop. I am a designer with a customer, and I'm used to designing and preparing the files every week I also designed some lil peep merch hoodie. Use strong PMS colors where possible. Hold it down to 6 or below. The shirts should be lined with linen. My consumer uses the vendor that can conveniently render 6 colors. That is not even more than four. You prefer not to receive CMYK files. You'll want to use 4 color process if printed digitally. It's not a bad thing to talk to the manufacturer because each has different setups.