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Blocksearch - Mixed Content Https

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This have been bugging me for far too long now and I can't figure out what is going out in searches.


We have Instant & Ajax Search enabled.

We use blocksearch hooked to LeftColumn.


The problem is that we are using https on my-account page. When doing searches on this page we get mixed content due to a ajax call using http. This happens for the ajaxSearch part. Instant search works fine and gives no error.


What is happening is that when you stop typing and the suggestions should pop up there is two ajax calls. One that is correct using https and one call that gives the error and cancels the first call that are using a http link. I can not find where this second ajax calls comes from. Does someone has any idea about this?


My guess is that it's in the blocksearch-instantsearch.tpl but if I comment that file out there is no changes...


Best regards


Edited by kalle@makewebo (see edit history)
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Look at all blocksearch*.tpl files in the /modules/blocksearch and /themes/your_theme/modules/blocksearch directories.


$link->getPageLink has to contain two parameters.


Hi, thanks for taking the time. All getPageLinks in both .php and .tpl uses the true parameter. The calls that are happening is in ajax thou and not a form submit. But on the autocomplete when AjaxSearch, then there is two calls happening. The second call is not using https and I can not find where this second call is originated. If I just can find that then the fix is easy.

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