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Multishop - Limitations


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I am analyzing the PRESTASHOP multi-store system for a possible project , but I wonder what could be the platform limitations on the use of for example 20 to 30 individual stores in one installation .


Would the problems be only disk space and server performance?  


The shops may have different accounts and different templates, so I could use one installation and basically "host" 5 different clients.


Could you (community) please, put here some of the possible problems that could arise on a more intensive use of the multishop?




Best Regards

Rui Domingos



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the issue I see is that when we use multishop, and we have basically standalone stores, and those standalone stores have different themes, then when we want to upgrade this creates a large amount of work as each shop will require adjustment to their themes and modules (all at the same time).  This is not issue if theme is still compliant with target ps but if one more are not them that can create much more work.  I prefer multishop used only when the additional shops are sharing everything from the main shop, theme/modules/customers/orders/products etc.  Else I think having separate installations for different  catalog may be easier in the future. 

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