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Since upgrading to v there is a problem for picking items in different colors in the shop.  Clicking on the picture of the item with different color doesn't work and when choosing a different color through the color picker under 'quantity' the chosen color only stays selected for a second or so, then it flips back to the default selection as configured in the back office.

Also some items are out of proportion or not good positioned and the zoom function isn't there anymore?!


Can someone please help?  Thank you very much.  A sample of the problem can be found at this link : -->




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Hi there,


Thanks for the reply and help... I fixed the layout and it looks much better now. :)  


About the URL change when clicking a color... I know it should change to another URL and it actualy does but only for a brief moment and then it changes back.  Any idea how to fix this?


Ex. it goes from : --> http://www.pfleiderer-glass-works.com/shop/euro/en/water/16-italesse-vertical-line-vertical-party-color-box-4pcs.html

to : --> http://www.pfleiderer-glass-works.com/shop/euro/en/water/16-italesse-vertical-line-vertical-party-color-box-4pcs.html#/23-colorsrood/

when you click on the red square but the last part "#/23-colorsrood" is removed again within a second. :wacko:

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