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Checkout Not Working

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Hi, hope someone can help, my checkout isn't working.


I add a product to the cart, that works, but when I hit proceed to checkout I only get a blank page. Any Idea where the error might be, I looked through all modules and settings I could find and think off, but without any luck. Then again, I'm not exactly a computer wiz.... Here is the link to the store, if that helps http://wordartworld.nicolekiefer.com/store/index.php


Thanks for any help



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I just checked and had no issue, clicked Proceed and went to cart summery page as it should.

Then at cart summery page  when I hit proceed I got a blank page with server 500 error.


Turn on error reporting, to do this you need to login to your files open the config folder then edit the difines.inc.php file and change false to true as I show below.

Most likely a authentication error post the result here.


/* Debug only */
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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OK this is account creation problem if you click on login at top you get the same error which is the same as step 2 of the cart.


Lets try a few things in Preferences turn on Friendly URLs and save then see what happens.


May just be a htaccess issue, have you edited files.


Also try uploading the controllers and classes folder again in case the original upload managed to corrupt or miss some files.


Line 364 of authcontroller is about account creation see below.


$this->create_account = true;                                (364)
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount'))
$this->context->smarty->assign('email_create', 1);
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I did turn on frindly Url didn't make a difference, and no I havent edited any files, it's something I usually stay away from since I have no clue about it. I have no clue how to reinstall only parts, since I installen ove my hosters installer. I will contact my hoster and ask if they can do it, and see what happens.

Thanks for the help

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You can get FileZilla its a free FTP program that you can use to access your files.


If you want more control I suggest you get FileZilla and learn how to use it, it's not that hard.


If you want to go this way I can help you set it up, to login to your files you will simply use ftp.yourdomain.com and then the login info you use to login to your host control panel.

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