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Error Importing Csv

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You file is not properly formatted.


ID should be only numbers and you have some html tags.

I am sure that you have no customer with surname 21/01/2016 10:36

and so on.


Fix the file and everything should be alright. 


How I can fix the file exported or how I can fix the exporting process?

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From where do you export?


If you would open file in notepad you should see something like this:


Id, Name, URL,

1, Tree, tree,

2, Apple, apple,


4, Fox,,


The main idea is that you have the same number of commas (or other symbols that are separators of the file)


Yes there are same number of category. But in my opinion the error can be advised in the html tag in csv, but those html errors are in newsletter and opt-in categories. How I can eliminate these categories now?


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