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How Do You Enable Friendly Urls W/o Id Numbers?

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I had to buy a plugin (Pretty URLs v1.5.0 - by FMM Modules) to do this but I must warn you...it made all other plugins stop working.


If I had to go back and do it again I would not!!!


You can also edit URL structures here: PREFERENCES / SEO & URL.  Scroll down to SCHEMA OF URLS.


Here's a screenshot of how I have mine setup (be sure to write yours down before changing them so you can revert back if you break your site):

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first ask your self why you want to remove the IDs, is it because you think the ID hurts SEO?  Or for some other reason.  If it is for SEO, I believe this has already been debunked, the ID plays no bearing in your page rankings.


Prestashop uses the ID in the URL so it knows what product has been requested.  If you remove the ID, then Prestashop cannot locate the product.  So you then have to change Prestashop to search for the product by it's name. and as said above, there are modules that can do this for you.  you can also search the forums on this topic, it has probably been discussed a few hundred times


However you have to deal with never changing your product names in the future, or dealing with htaccess rewrites from old name to new name.

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