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Edit Backoffice Pages

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100% of my clients and coworkers who are using Prestashop all feel it is very hard to figure out and I agree with them.


I'd like to go to some back office pages and add some info / instructions to the top of the page to give insight as to what the page is for.


For example under ORDERS is a page called CREDIT SLIPS.  Am I able to add some HTML content to the top of the CREDIT SLIPS page?






I'm running Prestashop V

Edited by planbjz (see edit history)
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So I'm still racking my brain with this one.  It looks like a lot of the pages are PHP and not tpl.  


Does anyone know if I can easily add HTML to PHP...or perhaps create a call in the PHP file to an HTML file????


I really need help...I tried Google'ing how to add HTML to PHP but it creates errors on the page after I save it.

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If anyone is interested I figured out how to add notes to the top of back office pages.  Part of the answer was found here: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Using+helpers+to+overload+a+back-off…


I basically went to root/override/controllers/admin/templates/ and then created a folder for the page I wanted to edit.  In the instructions above they give the example using the "after" location.  To get contact on the top simply use leadin.


{extends file="helpers/options/options.tpl"}

{block name="leadin"}
    <p style="color:red;text-align:center;">Block after : add a text after the form</p>
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