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Hi All,


Been trying how to make my footer more responsive. I had to customize the footer using contentbox.org's wonderful module, but when I make the screen a too small width, it breaks the design.


I would like something like this site has when you make the screen a smaller width, it creates an accordion type menu, but I'm not sure how to do that, and I've been examining their elements CSS to no avail.


I was hoping someone could help or lead me on the path to the right way.



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We think you have installed any custom module which is making your footer like this. Uninstall that module and your footer will be same as the one you have mentioned.

Yes, I've used contentbox.org module because the default footer that comes with the prestashop theme is not that customizable. So I had to use multiple content box modules to create what I wanted at http://www.sitinuriatistudio.com. Is there no way around this?




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