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How To Highlight Out Of Stock Products In Cart

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Hello everybody,


Since we work with low quantity stock, we frequently have products that are temporarily out of stock.


Clients that add a product to their cart (while it was in stock), abandon their cart and later come back to do check-out (when the product is not stock anymore) encounter an error advising them that they cannot proceed as one or more items are out of stock.


So far so good.


The issue is that it is not easy to know which products triggered the error, e.g. which products have to be removed to proceed with check-out. The more items in the cart the more complicated it is to guess which item to delete.


Therefore my question is: is there a way to highlight the products in the cart that are out of stock? For example in red, with an exclamation sign etc. Anything would do really...


Thanks in advance!


Edited by decorocco (see edit history)
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