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Carrier depend on company field when registred

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See my post here for how to pass the address to the carrier step. Then add code like the following after line 62 (the foreach) in order-carrier.tpl in your theme's directory:

{if $carrier.id_carrier|intval != 3 OR ($carrier.id_carrier|intval == 3 AND $address->company)}

and the following before line 84 (the closing foreach):


Change the 3 to the ID of the carrier you want hidden when the company is missing. This code will not display carrier 3 if no company is provided. I haven't tested this code, so you may need to play around with it for it to work how you like.

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I'm not familar with the one-page checkout code. I can only help with issues related to the default Prestashop code, modules I have developed and modules that I have used. You are better off asking the author of the one-page checkout module.

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