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[Solved] Changing Background Color Of Top Horizontal Menu - Narrow Screen Problem

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I need some help with this:


I have changed the background and fonts color of the top horizontal menu bar (theme bootstrap), by editing the file superfish-modified.css in the blocktopmenu folder and theme5.css in the themeconfigurator folder. No problem. You can see the results below (before, the background color was light grey, now it is dark gray; I have also modified the fonts color from dark to light, for a better contrast):






However, the problem comes when you see the web in narrow screens (smartphone). In this case, the color for the header has not been modified, although the font color has. You can see the results below: nothing, because the background color (the "old" light gray) and the font color (the "new" light gray) are the same:




However, when hovering with the mouse, the menu bar is visible again, just as I would like it would be by defect: 





Ok, finishing: I would like to know what file I have to edit to modify the background color of this "category bar" that appears instead of the top horizontal menu for narrow screens. Help!

Edited by JotaCe (see edit history)
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