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Products With Tracking Link - Is It Possible


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Is is possible to insert an external link into a product that will take the customer via this external link (tracking link) to the sellers website?


The product will hold the Title, Description, Price, and if possible an external URL to the images and and link which takes the customer via the Buy now button or More info button to the product on the sellers website.


If this is possible, how do you do it?





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If you are open to modify the core (or override it) yes. You'll have to either edit getProductLink, after adding the new property to the product class, or getProductProperties, on this line

$row['link'] = $context->link->getProductLink((int)$row['id_product'], $row['link_rewrite'], $row['category'], $row['ean13']);

If you only care about the product list. The best way would be with the core getProductLink though.

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