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problem solved thx to ysco

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Hello Yups,

To remove the text, sitemap,contact,ect on the left you go to,

Back office/ modules/ scroll down to Blocks/ and here you disable the module "Permanent links v0.1 Adds a permanent block on the left shows (like sitemap, contact, etc.) to "

If you disable then you won`t have it on Front office anymore.

To place the account/register/cart correct or want it in the middle for example then do this,

On your server go to http://yoursite.com/public_html/themes/your theme/ css/and open global.css with notepad++ or dreamweaver or a other editor.

Go to line 889 and add this lines,

   /*+placement:shift -341px -24px;*/
   position: relative;
   left: -341px;
   top: -24px;

So it looks like this,

from line 880 till line 893 you see this code after adding the above lines,

#header_user UL
   float: right;
   clear: right;
   margin-right: 0.9em;
   text-align: left;
   font-size: 11px;
   background: #2D2823;
   font-size: 9px;
   /*+placement:shift -341px -24px;*/
   position: relative;
   left: -341px;
   top: -24px;

Place with the variables left: and top to place it where you want in the header.

Hope this helped a bit.


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Hello mate,

The line is a .gif file so if you want to change color then you need to change the .gif file in photoshop and upload it again.

If you want to remove the line you comment out this line,

/*.blocknewproducts H4
   background: url(../img/bg_similar_products.gif) repeat-x bottom;
   width: 278px;
   padding-bottom: 1em; 

This you can find in yourtheme/ css/ then global.css on line 1421

This way you don`t delete it but just disable the code.


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