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Move Search Box To Right Column (1.6)

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I'm new to Prestashop and I just managed to set both right and left column to bootstrap base theme for Prestashop 1.6.

I'd like to move the search box at the top of the page to the recently created right column. I found some info but it must be addressed to older versions because I can't find the options they describe. Any help?

Same thing with shopping cart.

Thank you,

Edited by hiphip (see edit history)
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So if I understand well, you want to move search box and cart to the right column. Right?

Then you have to go to /[ROOT FOLDER]/themes/[theme name]/footer.tpl

Why footer.tpl?

Because the structure of PrestaShop is a bit strange.


Header + left column + center column = header.tpl

Right column + footer = footer.tpl

Over the place you like, just copy the corresponding code (I mean the tpl) of search box and cart. I hope it helps.

Konstantinos A. Kogkalidis

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Go to modules->positions and click on button "transplant a module".

Than choose a module "quick search block" and a hook "displayRightColumn" and click Save

Keep in mind that not all the modules can hook to any hook (without modifying the code).. So your method may work for this problem, but let's face it in a macro way..



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