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How to turn off payment emails but keep order_conf emails

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I would like to send the order_confirmation email to customers but not send the payment email as well.
I have 2 payment options 1. bank_wire and 2. credit card
I would like the bank_wire option to send both the order_conf.html email and the bank_wire.html email with my bank details
With the credit card payment option, I only want to send the order_conf email as my payment gateway sends the payment email

I tried turning off email customer in order status but that turns all customer emails off. I still want order_conf to be sent
If I must, I am happy to turn all payment emails off and just send order_conf email, though I would prefer to have the choice of sending payment email or not depending on the order status setting.

Thanking for helping

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I worked it out and only minutes after I asked the question :roll:

In classes/PaymentModule.php change

if ($orderStatus->send_email AND Validate::isEmail($customer->email))


if (Validate::isEmail($customer->email))

This will ignore the order status email setting and always send the order confirmation email
The payment email can then be controlled by the Send email to customer setting in the BO

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