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Help! Suddenly There Are No Files In My /en/ Directory!

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In the last few days, somehow all the files in my /en/ directory have gone missing, and that seems to be where my Prestashop installation is looking for files.  I have no idea what happened and can't find this subdirectory in any of my older backups.  Which files should be in there?  How can I fix it?  Any help would be great!

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But for some reason the domain (http://thestitchersmuse.com - subdirectory /shop/) redirects automatically to http://thestitchersmuse.com/shop/en/. and there are no files there.  That's what the address bar has read for months (the "/shop/en/") and it has worked fine - but suddenly it is not working.  How can I find out what is wrong?  Thanks for your reply, BTW!

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No - I thought my host did backups but apparently my site is too large - so they haven't been, and I wasn't aware.  I haven't worked much on the site since last summer.  I've looked at old backups of the site, but the /en/ directory is missing from all of them from the root directory - it does appear under /languages, but when I copy the files in that directory into the root /en/ directory, nothing changes. My site is hosted under http://thestitchersmuse.com/shop/ - the host is resolving to http://thestitchermuse.com/shop/en/, which it has been doing for quite a while - not sure when or why it changed - and I don't know where I can change it to the root (/shop) directory to see if that fixes the whole problem.  The /shop/en/ directory exists, but there are no files in it.  I'm not sure if there ever were.  What a headache...

Edited by CrystalPhoenix18 (see edit history)
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The /en/ in your link doesn't indicate a location in your files system, as El Patron also told, en is only a link parameter that indicates the language used.

This happens when you have multiple languages and Friendly URLs enabled. The actual files are delivered from your folder /shop/.

Enable development mode, disable smarty cache, disable Friendly URLs, remove that en folder from inside /shop/ and see if any progress.

The way it looks to me is like a misconfiguration of the apache server. Get in touch with your server administrator.

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No, it isn't working - what I get when I type in the address is "Parent Directory" and "Documents" (which is a subfolder in the /en/ folder).  Nothing else.  I can't find that file folder in any of my backups (it does appear in the /languages/ subfolder, but when I copy the files in there I get a 500 error).

Any help would be great!


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