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Display Prices Always With Tax

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Hi guys,


I want to display my prices on the store front always with taxes,

even when a user has entered his company VAT number and doesn't have to pay it.


The changes I need to make is in myTheme/product-list.tpl around line 130:

{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_ex_vat}{/if}

I have tried:

* just using $product.price

* multyplying the price by the tax rate (1.1)


which both yield false results.


tl;dr: I want to display prices the same for all customers.



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back office-->localization-->countries-->edit a country you have enabled (default for example)


scroll down


enable for country: Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.")

note: and I think this is how it works, when visitor hits your shop, and you are not using geo localization, then the default country tax will be displayed.  so one would need a tax for product for default country.  I am not expert in taxes but I've seen stuff...lol
Happy PrestaShopping
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@El Patron:

That doesn't do anything for me.


If a user has entered his VAT they don't pay any taxes.

This works as intended, I just don't want to show it on the front page.

So the problem arises after a guest/customer has entered his Company + VAT, and he is from a certain country.


Is there a way I can check if the current customer/guest has entered a valid VAT + get the country code?

That way I could just hardcode it, and multiply the price.


I appreciate your help though guys.

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back office-->localization-->countries-->edit a country you have enabled (default for example)


scroll down


enable for country: Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.")

note: and I think this is how it works, when visitor hits your shop, and you are not using geo localization, then the default country tax will be displayed.  so one would need a tax for product for default country.  I am not expert in taxes but I've seen stuff...lol
Happy PrestaShopping



I followed your instruction step by step but it still don't display price with VAT 


I see that I cannot change the setting in customer menu => click Group menu => click edit an item (such as visitor) => change 'Price display method'


if I select "tax included" and save it doesn't update

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