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Enabling Cache Broke Website

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I was testing something with my store and enabled the Cache on the back office. This was the only change that I had made, and now my website is broken. I've tried multiple searches but can't seem to find anyone else that has run into this problem. I am running 1.6 and have turned the debugging mode on. I can no longer access either front or back office and don't know how I can go back and disable the cache setting to get things functioning again.


This is the error that I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Shop::initialize() in .../shop/config/config.inc.php on line 101


Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Edited by gennybeans (see edit history)
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I have seem to fix it. Just in case anyone else runs into this error...


I had initially tried to delete class_index.php in the cache folder as other posters suggested, but that returned even more errors. I also tried to change the actual table value in phpmyadmin by changing the value for psprefix_smarty_cache to 0 (assuming this would disable the caching that I had initially enabled). Neither worked.


Instead, I just replaced the entire cache folder. That seemed to do the trick.


This post can be marked as solved. Thanks. :)

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Can be related to a corrupted smarty folder

Would that just involve replacing the smarty folder with one from a fresh installation?


As of now, the issue still persists, but I've just decided to leave the cache settings alone. But turning it on would probably help with loading speeds.

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We just moved to a new host with unlimited disk space, so I don't know if that could be the issue. I will try and contact their live support once they open just to double check though.


Can you think of another solution that I could try in the mean time? Maybe I will try and replace the smarty folder completely to see if it is a corrupt folder.



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