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Piwik Dh42 Kennt Das Wer?


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Hi Leute,


kennt einer das kostenlose Piwik Modul von DH42?




Kann mann das verwenden, oder muss man irgendwie in Sorge sein, es könnte komprommitierte Software sein?


Wundert mich irgendwie, dass es kaum Erwahnung findet, immer nur diese Version auf Github, die aber noch 0.875 oder so ist, während diese hier sich bereitsa als eine 1.1 versteht.


Ich habe es mal in einer Testumgebung installiert und sieht eigentlich gut aus. Der Autor scheint nur einen Link ins Prestashop Menu gebaut zu haben, der auf seinen allgemeinen Prestashop Support verweist.


Wer kann dazu was sagen?



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I know this is a german forum, but I don't speak german so I hope no one gets mad that I reply in english. Our module is actually built off the github code, there is just one main difference. We have alerted the tracking where you can track by user name and account email. The main reason for it is that google analytics does not let you track user identifiable information. This module will. It will let you put a list in your shop of every account that has looked at a product or multiple products. That way you can better market to your clients. 

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Hello dh42,


thanks a lot for your comment about your module. I just found it in the web, but was wondering that it seemed not to be mentioned here in the forum, I only found posts about the github one.


The user-identified tracking is an interesting improvement. Thanks for sharing

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No problem, it seems I must have forgotten to post about it on the forum. The main reason for the module is that you can filter by segments with Piwik. So we added that for a client so they could create a mailing list of all the customers that looked at xx product without purchasing it. It really makes it useful when they have a sale on a brand or product, they know exactly which users have looked at them. 

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