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Presta Shop


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I would like to raise a complaint / feedback and an advice to every one who is associated with Presta Shop. i personally asked help from one of the authorised Presta Shop personnel by using my Support Tickets and they just simply failed to reply like a GENTLEMEN. I contacted them below for setting up my SSL certificate if there is any help they can provide but like i said their reply was quite rude and they just don't understand how to provide a good customer service despite running such a huge platform. 


All they do is tell us if this is not about Cloud version they cant fix it and close a Ticket by them selves. Please learn how to provide a good Customer Service Presta Shop !!

Otherwise people will soon revert to other platforms. 




Presta Shop Newbie 


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No my store is self hosted.


But still, for a starter if some needs any help from the same platform (either self hosted or prestashop cloud) then why don't Prestashop provide their technical skills to the customer rather then allowing us to wait for their answer after so many days and then closing a ticket by them selves. As a norm if a customer is satisfied he / she should close a ticket by them selves upon satisfaction.


But Presta Shop is just not keeping their support system up to date and failing to satisfy their customers. 

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You cannot make your own rules and expectations up. You can only go with what is offered. You asked a question late at night on 26th December (holiday time) and received a response at the very next available work time, 28th december at 11.14. Personally I think that is superfast. And I think the support plan says 72 hours anyway so well within time advertised


Their reply is not rude or ungentlemanly, they are simply pointing out the facts that you do not have access to that particular support mechanism. bear in mind everyone working with the prestashop environment are working with many different languages and so replies can often seem a little terse / strangely worded if not in your native language.


Sorry, I know you need help, and I also know that prestashop are woeful at times in the support offered but that is largely because you are using Prestashop self hosted as a free open source solution.


Try using these forums, ask your question in a new thread and see what the community can offer you

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