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How To Constantly Show All Products On Home Page?

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Hello everyone!


I am using PS default-bootstrap theme.


At home page I have only "new" products under "new arrivals" tab.




If I decrease amount of days, some "old" products disappear from home page but can be found under "popular, featured (sale)" etc. tabs. At the same time my home page starts from "new arrivals" tab and this tab is active.

But I need them all at homepage even if they are not new.


How can I do it?


Thank you! 

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New is based on the setting you put into the BO (default 20 days). They'll disapear when they are older than that. The panel can be mark as persistent if no new product exists or to fade out in such situation.


Popular is simply based on your sales. So a new product can be on this panel if it is one you sale a lot.


Sale is an except of all the product for which you have defined a specific price, wether thru cart rule or specific price (assuming the period fall into today's date).


There is another panel that you have not activated (hooked) it is called home-featured. It lists every (or up to a number) product that are attached to the home category. Leave your product in their proper defaut category but also tick the Home. The product will then appear in such panel. Similar settings (count/hide, ...). I recommend you NEVER use the random option should you want to have decent response time with audience. Filtering by category on home you can also change the order of the product displayed in this panel.

Edited by doekia (see edit history)
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Yes, I've tried to find solution before asking and found few posts where home category was mentioned.

And I have Home category ticked:




And still if I decrease days count of "new" status of product these products are gone from home page.  

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Not related but your default category for the product should be product not home. Important for SEO and taxonomy


Decrease/increase day count has nothing to do with blockhomefeatured, it is solely for blocknewproduct


The blockhomefeatured is the one that display the panel popular (sorry I get confused with the translation), hence it display properly.

Change its hook position so it be the first in the hook and it will display as first pane.


Double check your ps_configuration table for duplicated on HOME_FEATURED_NBR, it seems the 80 count is totally ignored. In doubt deinstall blockhomefeatured, prune all ps_configuration key that mention HOME_FEATURED, reinstall it and re-position it

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@doekia, thanks for your valuable advices. It is not that easy to find good practical advices.

I appriciate them!


I will check all you mentioned.


By the way, to make bulk changes of product category shall I use SQL or there is a way to make it in back office? 


Thanks again!

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Bulk for usefull stuff in PrestaShop, you are dreaming  :-)


U could do it thru SQL by populating the table category_product.

I don't want to be more precise since if you are not skilled w/ SQL it could easily ruin ur shop should u make a mistake

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  • 11 months later...

Is there a way of adding featured products to the home but to maintain category restrictions? I am creating a website with three different categories, for different employee types at a company. Each customer can only view and purchase certain products. But when I add them to the home category to be displayed on the featured module on home, everyone can now see all those products. How can I control this? Any ideas?

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Have you tried the following?


Create a new category and call it e.g. "featured".


Remove access rights for all customer groups to this new category.


Associate all products you want to show on the homepage with this new category. Leave them also in their current category.


Let the featured products module point to this new categorie instead of home.


If all goes as I think, the products will be shown to the targeted users based on the fact they are in both categories: The "featured" category and the one they have access to. The "featured" category only helps the module to put them on the home page but does not carry any access rights.


Hope this helps. Cheers

Edited by sumsel (see edit history)
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