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Hack attempt (Discount->description is empty for default language)

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function createDiscount in followup.php

comment out
$discount->description[1] = $description;
$discount->description[2] = $description;

like this
//$discount->description[1] = $description;
//$discount->description[2] = $description;

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  • 1 month later...


This solution does not work, I tried. Basically you have to add the languages that you have added to this
$discount->description3 = $description;
$discount->description4 = $description; etc depending what id -s you are using.
I got this one worknig but my problem is that i only sends coupons out once, when I run the script second time it does not work anymore.
When I change settings first time it goes out again as it is suppose to, but second time there is again zero recipients.
No error messages, it sais only that 0 emails go out next time but it cannot be true.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am running PS 1.3.
Yeah a similar problem, getting an error when tried to convert loyalty points to voucher:

Hack attempt (Discount->description is empty for default language)

Strangely, I can't even find this code in followup.php:


function createDiscount in followup.php

comment out
$discount->description1 = $description;
$discount->description2 = $description;

So anyone, please shed some light onto this. Need to have my reward program working.
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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 6/2/2010 at 6:53 AM, ruilong said:

correct solution


$languages = Language::getLanguages(true);

foreach ($languages AS $language)

$discount->description[intval($language['id_lang'])] = $description;


Hi, could you please explain how do you find this folder?


Thanks ;)

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