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Csv Export Stripping Html Tags


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Hello Everyone!

Can someone help me how to export products with html tags?


Here is my export SQL:

p.id_product AS `ID`,
p.active AS `Active (0/1)`,
pl.`name` AS `Name`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(cl.name) SEPARATOR ',') AS `Categories (x,y,z...)`,
p.price AS `Price tax excluded or Price tax included`,
p.id_tax_rules_group AS `Tax rules ID`,
p.wholesale_price AS `Wholesale price`,
p.on_sale AS `On sale (0/1)`,
IF(pr.reduction_type='amount',pr.reduction,'') AS `Discount amount`,
IF(pr.reduction_type='percentage',pr.reduction,'') AS `Discount percent`,
pr.`from` AS `Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)`,
pr.`to` AS `Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)`,
p.reference AS `Reference #`,
pps.product_supplier_reference AS `Supplier reference #`,
ps.`name` AS `Supplier`,
pm.`name` AS `Manufacturer`,
p.ean13 AS `EAN13`,
p.upc AS `UPC`,
p.ecotax AS `Ecotax`,
p.width AS `Width`,
p.height AS `Height`,
p.depth AS `Depth`,
p.weight AS `Weight`,
pq.quantity AS `Quantity`,
p.minimal_quantity AS `Minimal quantity`,
p.visibility AS `Visibility`,
p.additional_shipping_cost AS `Additional shipping cost`,
p.unity AS `Unit for the unit price`,
p.unit_price_ratio AS `Unit price`,
pl.description_short AS `Short description`,
pl.description AS `Description`,
IF(t.`name` IS NOT NULL, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(t.`name`) SEPARATOR ','), '') AS `Tags (x,y,z...)`,
pl.meta_title AS `Meta title`,
pl.meta_keywords AS `Meta keywords`,
pl.meta_description AS `Meta description`,
pl.link_rewrite AS `URL rewritten`,
pl.available_now AS `Text when in stock`,
pl.available_later AS `Text when backorder allowed`,
p.available_for_order AS `Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
'' AS `Product available date`,
p.date_add `Product creation date`,
p.show_price AS `Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,

0 AS `Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(CONCAT((fl.`name`), ':', (fvl.`value`), ':' , (f.position), ':' , (fv.custom))) SEPARATOR ',') AS `Feature (Name:Value:Position:Customized)`,
p.online_only AS `Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.condition AS `Condition`,
0 AS `Customizable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
0 AS `Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
0 AS `Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
'' AS `Action when out of stock`,
p.id_shop_default AS `ID / Name of shop`,
p.advanced_stock_management AS `Advanced Stock Management`,
'' AS `Depends on stock`,
'' AS `Warehouse`
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON (p.id_product = cp.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON (cp.id_category = cl.id_category)
LEFT JOIN ps_category c ON (cp.id_category = c.id_category)
LEFT JOIN ps_specific_price pr ON (p.id_product = pr.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_tag t ON ( pt.id_tag = t.id_tag )
LEFT JOIN ps_image pi ON ( p.id_product = pi.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_manufacturer pm ON (p.id_manufacturer = pm.id_manufacturer)
LEFT JOIN ps_supplier ps ON (p.id_supplier = ps.id_supplier)
LEFT JOIN ps_product_supplier pps ON (p.id_supplier = pps.id_supplier)
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available pq ON (p.id_product = pq.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_configuration conf ON conf.`name` = 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN'
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_product fp ON p.id_product = fp.id_product
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_lang fl ON fp.id_feature = fl.id_feature
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value_lang fvl ON fp.id_feature_value = fvl.id_feature_value
LEFT JOIN ps_feature f ON fp.id_feature = f.id_feature
LEFT JOIN ps_feature_value fv ON fp.id_feature_value = fv.id_feature_value
WHERE pl.id_lang = 1
AND cl.id_lang = 1
AND p.id_shop_default = 1
AND c.id_shop_default = 1
GROUP BY p.id_product
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