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someone is using a script on my shop to send out spam!! Urgent help needed

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My hosting company has suspended my account as someone is using a script on my shop to send out spam. Thery have said that they suspect my mailing script is not secure.
What files should i look at and what should i do to make them more secure.
Please help.

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Without any more information I doubt anyone can help you.

The only way I cant think of that will let someone do that is using the "send to a friend" module, but as I said, there is no way of knowing without more information from your host.

There's a free version of that module with a captcha on my site.

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Here is what i did using reCaptcha
Download recaptcha lib here http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/downloads/list?q=label:phplib-Latest
unzip it in /js, so the lib is located like '/js/recaptcha-php-1.10/recaptchalib.php'.

open /contact-form.php
Look for


change it to

//you camn get your keys for free here https://admin.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/createsite/
$publickey = YOUR PUBLIC KEY;
$privatekey = YOUR PRIVATE KEY;

//recaptcha style
$captcha_style="< script>
var RecaptchaOptions = {
  theme : 'white',
  lang: 'es'
< /script>";

//get html
$recaptcha="" . recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
$smarty->assign('recaptcha', $recaptcha);

Look for

if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage'))

Change it to

if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage'))
    $res = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,

Look for

if (!($from = Tools::getValue('from')) OR !Validate::isEmail($from))
    $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid e-mail address');

Change it to

    if (!($from = Tools::getValue('from')) OR !Validate::isEmail($from))
    $errors[] = Tools::displayError('invalid e-mail address');
   elseif (!($res->is_valid))
   $errors[] = Tools::displayError('incorrect validation code'); 

Now open /themes/YOURTHEME/contact-form.tpl
Look for

Add before


{l s='Verification code'}

That's it

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sk8hack, after doing what you said I get a parse error as follows;
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/shop/contact-form.php on line 9

Can you help or anyone help please.


$publickey = YOUR PUBLIC KEY;
$privatekey = YOUR PRIVATE KEY;

change to;

$publickey = "YOUR PUBLIC KEY";
$privatekey = "YOUR PRIVATE KEY";

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of course, you are supposed to change YOUR PUBLIC KEY to whathever your public key is
you can get your keys for free here https://admin.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/createsite/
for example $publickey = "6LdlQQwAAAAAACKKcUVX2E07Q9JfQi_TfsBJzB8n";
the same for $privatekey

I know this! You forgot to add the " " between the key itself! I'm no coding [spam-filter] but if you RE-READ my post I was getting parse errors!
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  • 4 months later...
//recaptcha style
var RecaptchaOptions = {
  theme : 'white',
  lang: 'es'

I cant seen to change the default recaptcha theme, as if the above settings dont aply.
Any ideas?

Yes, it is a shame that this board takes out any javascript code., even when it is in a code block
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Of course i used 'script' tags instead of 'removed'. You can test it yourself, it just doesn't work in php.
I eventually added it in contact-form.tpl

< script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme : 'white',
lang: 'en'
< /script >

Theme works, but recaptcha is not w3c compliant.
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Any thoughts on how to make recaptcha w3c compliant?
Placing {$recaptcha} in tpl file as described in this thread puts script and noscript tags in the wrong place, hence the w3c errors.

I think it need to be done with ajax api, but no idea how to implement it.

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