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Print Several Orders In One Click


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Usually we have a lot of orders each morning when we arrive at work, so we spend a lot of time clicking one by one each prder and after this clicking to print each one.


It is possible to print a range of orders in one click?


If you know how to do it, I would like to know! It save me a lot of time avery day!


Thanks in advance.



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  On 12/18/2015 at 8:11 PM, haylau said:

Orders > Invoices tick "payment Accepted" for new orders and away you go

Hi Haylau,


Thanks for your answer.


Unfortunately, I have checked your idea but with this I can print several invoices with one click, but I need to print the orders, not the invoices.


The reason is because there are different information in the order that Logistic Dpt. needs to prepare the boxes with product to send to our clients.


Do you how to print the orders for a fixed range (like date or ID) in only one click? It would be a awesome help for us and we will saving time in our job!


Thanks in advance to all people who can post here his experience.



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Sorry I do not understand then. What do you mean by printing the order. How do you print the order now? Can you show some screen prints to show what you are printing and how

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  On 12/19/2015 at 9:10 PM, haylau said:

Sorry I do not understand then. What do you mean by printing the order. How do you print the order now? Can you show some screen prints to show what you are printing and how


Hello, I am going to try to explain you.


Currently, we have to prepara around 70-80 orders each day. For each order, we have to enter in the order and click in the "Print" button. And repeat this action 70-80 times every day. With the orders printed, logistic department prepares the goods to be sent.


My question is how I can print in one click all the orders we have to prepare in one day. For example, print all orders from 19th December or print in one click all orders between IDs 23908 and 23997


I hope I had explained my problem better. Do you how to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance for your patience!





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I have had a good look around and I think i know what you mean now. To most of us the word "orders" means you want the Invoice or delivery note.. I thought you meant invoices. But you do not mean that you mean, this:





To be honest I have never used that option we always use "Invoices" oR "Delivery notes" as these can be printed in bulk like I explained


What information do you need that is on the "orders" print that is not on the invoice or delivery note? Once we know the specific information you need we can perhaps look at how to add that information to the Invoice or Delivery note because there is not a way to bulk print the "orders"

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  On 12/21/2015 at 1:46 PM, tuk66 said:

The Print order button calls just JavaScript print() function in the browser. It means the page itself.


You need to use a 3rd party solution to print more orders (really orders, not invoices) at once. See the attachments (M4 PDF Extensions module in this case)


Thanks for your answer.


Tomorrow I am going to publish here how is my order paper so we can see if we can add information to invoice form in Prestashop.

  On 12/21/2015 at 3:54 PM, bellini13 said:

Perhaps printing a package slip is what is really needed?  I agree with Haylau, why don't you tell us what information they are actually using from the print screen, and perhaps there is a module that will provide what you need


OK, maybe the best I can do is to post here how is my order paper. I will do it tomorrow and we can talk about this.


Thanks for your patience!

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  On 12/20/2015 at 9:32 PM, haylau said:



I have had a good look around and I think i know what you mean now. To most of us the word "orders" means you want the Invoice or delivery note.. I thought you meant invoices. But you do not mean that you mean, this:





To be honest I have never used that option we always use "Invoices" oR "Delivery notes" as these can be printed in bulk like I explained


What information do you need that is on the "orders" print that is not on the invoice or delivery note? Once we know the specific information you need we can perhaps look at how to add that information to the Invoice or Delivery note because there is not a way to bulk print the "orders"


OK, if there are no way to bulk print these orders, we can think in other possibilities. Tomorrow I will post here how is my order paper.


Thanks a lot for your efforts!

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