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Importing Product From One Shop To Other In Multistore

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I am using Prestashop


My shop is having multistore enabled and there are three shop. Among these three shops there difference in products.


So is there any module/ extension using which I can import the product from one shop to another at bulk.


Import/ export  option given on products page in backoffice make only few fields so its not useful.


Please help me out if anyone have any solution



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When you select your product like you normally would to edit a product in your BO you can use the shop selector to change the shop, and then save the product.


Since this would take a long time for al your products you can use phpmyadmin and search for the table ps_product_shop.


Now you can select the checkboxes off the products you want, and now copy them to duplicate them and change the shop id's. Now look for ps_product and change the default shop id to the id of your main store. Hope this helps......

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Import/Export of products from one shop to another is possible with Store Manager for PrestaShop - http://addons.prestashop.com/en/administration-tools-prestashop-modules/2937-store-manager-for-prestashop.html


You can switch between shops directly from Store Manager and import between them in this way 


1. go to store, products are to be exported from (see the screenshot)




2. select "Show all grouped" filter from the dropdown (on product toolbar) to get all the products from this shop displayed in the grid


3. export necessary products to the file via product export wizard 


4. import products to another shop via product import wizard - check box for shop, you import to, on Import Options step (see the screenshot)




Here you can find import tutorial - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/prestashop-product-management/prestashop-import-products/


Edited by Iryna (see edit history)
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