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Pls Help With Restore Add To Cart Button

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Restore the Add to cart  button on the product page.


submitting a copy of the original file product.tpl and produkt.css  so that I can paste it in my fileI


or want to reset the button to the original as it was originally .someone who knows what to do ,




it looks now: http://lodochsvetshuset.com/index.php?id_product=2&controller=product



thanks for the help


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What exact number version you have?

As Dh42 said, you can find all your files on github. If you click on the Branch drop down and go to Tags, there you can find all PrestaShop versions.

Here is link for version : https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/ (you can change the number version right in the link).

Click on the file that you need, click on Raw, then CTRL+S and save the file (without the extension .txt), or just copy paste the code in your files. 

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I 'm very grateful for the help


I removed all Themes from the File Manager and installed it again , everything is all original

but the Add to Cart button is still the same , what's wrong ? Where can I go in and change it.?


PS v1.6.1.2


I uploaded the file so you can check on them .




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You have most of the add to cart button styles in product.css at line 454 .box-info-product .exclusive and it's different from the default one.

You can see the in the default product.css that class is at line 443: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/

Also in your product.tpl look for id="add_to_cart" and see that your code is different from the default one: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/

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