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Reduce The Total Size Of Fies When Delete


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I want to have the function or class responsible for the action of deleting a file or image ...

If there is a delete then the total file size should be decreased for each customer.

I'm succeeding to add (upload) with the addition of the current size test. But I still have for deletion.

I added my code to the DeleteFile function in the Tools class as follows:

    * Delete file
    * @param string $file File path
    * @param array $exclude_files Excluded files
    public static function deleteFile($file, $exclude_files = array())
        if (isset($exclude_files) && !is_array($exclude_files)) {
            $exclude_files = array($exclude_files);

        if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file) && array_search(basename($file), $exclude_files) === false) {
            @chmod($file, 0777); // NT ?
		$size = '';
		$size_max = '';
		$size1 = '';
		$cookie = new Cookie('psAdmin');
		$id_employee = $cookie->id_employee;

		$id_shop = '';
		$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'employee_shop 
				WHERE id_employee = '.(int)$id_employee.'
		if ($row = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql))
				$id_shop = $row['id_shop'];
		$sql1 = 'SELECT *
				FROM   recap 
				WHERE id_store = '.(int)$id_shop.'
		if ($row1 = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql1))
				$size = $row1['size'];
				$size_max = $row1['size_max'];
				if ($id_shop != 1)	
				$size1 = $size - $file['size'];
				Db::getInstance()->update('recap', array('size' => (int)$size1),
				$where = 'id_store = '.(int)$id_shop.'', $limit = 0, $null_values = false, $use_cache = true, $add_prefix = false);

But no changes. Do you have a solution or instructions to do?

Best regards.

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