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Regenerate Order Invoices With New Tax


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Is this possible to update once generated invoices with new tax rules? We were not pax payer few months ago and sent invoices without VAT to our customers. Now we are VAT company and need to re-generate invoices once again with added VAT. When I try to generate invoice for these old orders I still get invoice without tax, despite it is now enabled.


Looks like I would need to remove old invoices and to generate new ones with current rules. How do I do this? Is this possible?


Can I change order status that the invoice is not present? Looks like the pdf invoice is somewhere cached and after I try to download old invoices I get them in exactly same state that they were when they were generated, despite new rules have been implemented to our store.


Is is possible to mark somewhere in PS that there were no invoice generated for an order so I can generate it completely fresh? Invoices for orders placed after the tax rules were enabled are completely OK.


Simply I need to create about 500 invoices with tax and doing this manually would take ages. Regenerating them with tax would solve my issue.


I would appreciate any response,

Kind regards

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For information, changing invoice after they has been sent or after be accessible from customer is forbidden is mostly countries.

Legal process is to cancel invoice, do a credit slip and create a new invoice using credit slip (with new invoice number)

Same for changing customer address on invoice for example. It’s forbidden by laws.

So in you case you should cancel order and create credit slip then create a new order using credit slip, finally a new invoice will be generated.

Some legal issues with invoicing in Prestashop can be follow here https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/13822

Edited by Janett (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...


I have wrong EAN products on severals  invoices, but i need to keep they number because we realise error after few months. 

  On 5/30/2019 at 9:50 AM, Janett said:

you should cancel order and create credit slip then create a new order using credit slip, finally a new invoice will be generated.


to much bureaucracy something more simple ? 

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