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Why the USA flag icon for English translation?

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Can I ask why you use the Stars and Stripes as your icon for the English translation on your forum and on Prestashop itself?

The communities on the forum are mainly based in Europe although I am sure that there are a large number of people worldwide that make use of the site.

Any chance we could have the internationally recognised sign for English i.e. the Union Jack (correct name is the Union Flag)

Or can we all start to use Esperanto?



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I just wondered if the development team is based in rance why use the Stars & Stripes.

I too mean no offence but looking from a customer point of view who would be using the system I know that in the UK certain sectors of the community steer clear of anything American because of ongoing conflicts.

This by no means a political commentary but one based on trying to attract customers whilst applying the PEST model.

I am aware the flag is easy to change by simply replacing the image.

Can I ask if the flag images are from a specific set so I can grab a like Union Flag?

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I share your concerns when especially when British English language is used rather than Amercian English. I suppose we could change the French flag to the Canadian as well :) Though for those wanting to create flags etc for whatever reason please feel free to copy and adapt any of my images from website www.buy-flags.co.uk

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  • 2 years later...
Can I ask why you use the Stars and Stripes as your icon for the English translation on your forum and on Prestashop itself?

The communities on the forum are mainly based in Europe although I am sure that there are a large number of people worldwide that make use of the site.

Any chance we could have the internationally recognised sign for English i.e. the Union Jack (correct name is the Union Flag)

Or can we all start to use Esperanto?

Because USA is awesome!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

anyway the language is called 'english' not 'americanish' so union jack IMHO seems to be a bit more appropriate. it's widely recognised as general sign while presence of the stars n' stripes (for instance - when i do see them) do indicate we are going to be exposed to american english version of the language {which - believe me or not is not entirely the same}.

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Perhaps the easiest fix would be a easy way to change the flag in the shop preferences. I say this because as a US business my customers would expect to the the US flag for English. I also see the same argument being made for the UK and Canada.

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