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Error Updating Stock From Combination

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I created a table within the prestashop database, from a CSV that a German supplier sends me, and with a script I can update the stock of the table ...

The problem I must upgrade the stock of the combinations , it is somewhat curious as to precer updates the table correctly , but then shows another stock . This is the query you use to update :

$actualiza-stock = mysql_query("UPDATE  `copia_shop`.`ps_product_attribute`,`copia_shop`.`Codificacion-Alemania` SET  `quantity`= `STOCK` WHERE  `ps_product_attribute`.`reference` = `Codificacion-Alemania`.`REFERENCIA`");

If I consult the ps_product_attribute table shows the correct references each stock , but in the store and in the back office -> combinations comes another stock .
You have any idea how to solve this error? Maybe there's another table that also need to update and what is not ...
Thank you

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