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[Solved] Customer Service Setup: "imap Is Not Installed On This Server"

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I can't setup Customer Service, IMAP configuration fails to work. Once I save the config, a message "imap is not installed on this server" appears in a yellow bubble under the blue "The settings have been successfully updated." notification, and the same one whenever I click Run sync of course.


What should I install? Is it some Apache or PHP mod, or something else, or just a wrong configuration?


I'm running fresh install of PS on Gentoo with Apache 2.4.16 and PHP 5.6.14, connecting over SSL. I can do any changes to the server, but don't know which ones :)


The IMAP account is a Google account in the eshop's domain; imap server is set to imap.gmail.com, user and pass correct for the account (including domain), port 993 and out of the options switches only /ssl is on.


Any help appreciated :)

Edited by lhalda (see edit history)
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OK, so it wants PHP to have imap extension installed. In Gentoo, you need to add 'imap' global USE flag in /etc/portage/make.conf and re-emerge php (plus restart your webserver of course).


After that I still couldn't connect to the google account with error "[ALERT] Please log in via your web browser: https://support.google.com/mail/acco" - for that I needed to set "Allow less secure apps: ON" in the end of https://myaccount.google.com/security?pli=1


Hope this helps others :)

Edited by lhalda (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...


I have Ubuntu server behind the firewall where PS installed.

No local smtp/imap server installed.

I set an E-Mail parameters as custom (for advanced users) to smtp.gmail.com and it works (test e-mail successfully delivered) - I can send e-mails from my server via Gmail mail relay.


Next I attempt to set up Customer Service to Google IMAP server (for my @gmail.com mailbox), I expect to receive all customer service e-mails from Gmail.

Access by IMAP option is turned on in my Gmail settings.

IMAP URL: imap.gmail.com

IMAP port: 993

IMAP user: [email protected]

IMAP password: **** :)

IMAP options (/ssl) : On

other options still off.


Then I click on "Run sync" and the message appear:

imap is not installed on this server





Even you install php5-imap package, it shoudl be enabled by command

#php5enmod imap

then restart apache and click on "Run sync" again.




Edited by Nick Fedchik (see edit history)
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  • 5 years later...
On 3/1/2016 at 5:51 PM, Nick Fedchik said:


I have Ubuntu server behind the firewall where PS installed.

No local smtp/imap server installed.

I set an E-Mail parameters as custom (for advanced users) to smtp.gmail.com and it works (test e-mail successfully delivered) - I can send e-mails from my server via Gmail mail relay.


Next I attempt to set up Customer Service to Google IMAP server (for my @gmail.com mailbox), I expect to receive all customer service e-mails from Gmail.

Access by IMAP option is turned on in my Gmail settings.

IMAP URL: imap.gmail.com

IMAP port: 993

IMAP user: [email protected]

IMAP password: **** :)

IMAP options (/ssl) : On

other options still off.


Then I click on "Run sync" and the message appear:

imap is not installed on this server





Even you install php5-imap package, it shoudl be enabled by command

#php5enmod imap

then restart apache and click on "Run sync" again.




How can I enabled by command? I have install it.

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