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Change Default Text Of Collapsed Top Horizontal Menu Dropdown?

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I am trying to change the default text that appears when the Top horizonal menu is resized. Right now, it says "Menu":


See: post-1153072-0-65752500-1449459526_thumb.jpg


This is what I believe to be the line of code that makes this happen. However, being very new to using Prestashop and coding in general, I have a very low comprehension of how the code works.


See: post-1153072-0-41327900-1449459527_thumb.jpg


I can change the html text in the web browser's inspector pane, but this obviously does not change the text on the actual file that is being read to change the website:


See: post-1153072-0-17056300-1449459528_thumb.jpg


This causes the first image to change to:


See: post-1153072-0-93670700-1449459528_thumb.jpg


...which is the effect that I woud like to reproduce.




Can you show me which files I need to change in order for this to happen, or another way of being able to reproduce this effect?



Thank you in advance for your solution!

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