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Missing Expressions

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Hi guys/gals,


first post here as I've encountered a problem while creating my first prestashop page. I'm pretty new to this and there's something I can't figure out no matter what I try.

I would like to have my page in my naitive language, which is Slovene. The translation for Slovene language is 100% so I presume that means everything is pretty much translated (in front office). When I update my theme to Slovene language and this is the only language currently in use in Prestashop there are still expressions to translate. This is getting the better of me as I know that in Slovene language expressions are available but they won't translate on my theme.

My version is and I disabled the browser language option and have uploaded the Slovene language pack to my theme. Back office is translated nicely but the expressions are still missing for the front office. I could translate them one by one but this will take too much of my time as I think there should be an easier way to do this.

Please help!

Thank you. 


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  • 5 months later...


I have the same problem. I am on I am trying to add Norwegian bokmål.

I have setup a shop in cloud to check if it works there - it works fine there.

On my "real" shop I am unable to get front office translations to work.  Backoffice seems to work.

I tried to export translation from cloud and import on my server - didn't work either. After importing gzip there was an error: Unidentified file found: /core/www/core_1.6.1.3/mails/no/lang.php

I tried other language - Polish is translated. Nynorsk and Magyar are not.

I tried also "Add/Update Language" - default bootstrap is not translated.

Any hints?

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