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Wordpress Permalink Problem - Help To Solve It In Prestashop

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WP version 4. 3. 1

WPPS module version 1.5


Main URL www.knoticalbutnice.co.uk

Blog URL www.knoticalbutnice.co.uk/Blog


Module is working fine inserts my posts at the bottom of the home page


My problem is with the permalink from  Wordpress. they don't work


this link works : www.knoticalbutnice.co.uk/blog/?p=110


but this one doesn't : www.knoticalbutnice.co.uk/blog/nautical-look



Once I enable a permalink  in wordpress backend it gives me error 404 page of prestashop.


So I have turned off permalink in Wp back office and the blog is fine but access the blog from prestashop and the permalink is still there, how do I get rid of it




anybody has an ideea?!



Edited by suewright (see edit history)
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