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Disable Right Click, Image Protection

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Many websites have implemented this type of protection to make it more difficult for visitors to simply copy your website images. Some images may even be your very own or even be protected by copyright.

Most visitors don't care about this and simply hit the right click and copy your images for their own use.
Even worse, sometimes by simply capturing the location of your images and adding this into their script, they now save web space and bandwidth on their hosting account.

So I did a bit of homework and came across a solution that solves this problem.
Before anything else, please remember that if someone really wants your images, they will get it.
This just makes it a little harder and for most users, almost impossible for them to succeed.

Edit the following files:


Add the following code to both files (I included it right in the beginning on line 1):
Check code in attached image

Save both files, refresh your browser and test.

PS: I am no pro at this, just a novice. Hope that my small contribution comes in handy.



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You can stop hotlinking of your images with your htaccess file, not sure of the exact code for this, but you do need to be careful, as some sites need to link to your images (googlebase). It is even possible to define an image to show if someone tries to hotlink.

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when someone tries to hotlink your image they will get a red cross, or the replacement image you defined. I have found that googlebase just images just dont work if have hotlink protection on. Although it is possible to define certain webadresses that are allowed to hotlink.

http://altlab.com/hotlinking.html look through this site for more information on hotlink protection.

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Thanks for the input.
My main concern was hiding the copy option by right clicking on the image as well as hiding image properties.
ASAIK, hotlinking to my images is still possible, the code works well in ie and firefox (opera ignores this).

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Unfortunately this can be overcome by disabling javascript in the browser,so can have little effect.

One other possible solution would be to "watermark" your images, then if they are hotlinked, at least you will get free advertising :)


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  • 2 years later...

Just watermark your product images like what pcbob had said.

Whatever javascript implementation to prevent people from right-clicking and saving images won't work. These can be easily disabled.

Hotlinking images also does not prevent people from saving the images into their local disk. If you watermark your images on the center, they will find it hard to remove.

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  • 1 year later...

Unless you are using your own product photos, worrying about people right clicking and copying images isn't something I think you need to stress over considering they tend to come from the manufacutre with a open media licence for print and product promotion.


If it's your own product with your own image then id put a watermark if you was worried that much however in a world where social sharing is something to thrive on with more and more people using pinterest disabling image share is a thing that should stay in the 1990s.

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