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Deleted Categories Appear As Sub Categories In New Added Products.


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Deleted categories appear as sub categories in new added products.
Here's an example:

> Schwierigkeitsgrade>2 einfach-mittel> these a the right categories
Arr Dave>Benny Carter> and these are the two deleted categories

These categories were deleted long before the product was added.

These deleted categories can also be found in SQL => ps_categories_lang


I was not sure what to do. Can I delete the old "deleted" categories by hand in SQL or is there another way?


thank you for reading this!


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These categories were deleted long before the product was added.

These deleted categories can also be found in SQL => ps_categories_lang

My first question would be whether these categories can still be found in the ps_category and the ps_category_shop tables.


My second is how you are adding these products. Even if those old categories were still somehow present it wouldn't be normal if new products were assigned to a category that you hadn't selected

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