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Checking On Ownership Of A Product An Giving Access To The Subpage.



I am just taking Prestashop to use. In my current solution, the 'products'  that I am sellin are either downloadable MP3s or videos or access to my subpages. The subpages contain written information, photos, live[spam-filter], etc.


Currently, if the user has bought a product, he'll get access to the product's subpage.


My question is now, how can I check, if a user A who is logged in to Prestahop has bought product B? I know, that I could read that directly from the database, but I suppose, there are some more elegant ways to do it.


Another question is on the structure. Now I was going to make an own module MyProducts and when the user clicks it he'll get a list of sub-pages he has an access. Is this the best way? I'd like to have these available (bougth of free) products to be seen maybe as different tabs available on the main page.


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