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Product Does Not Exist In This Combination

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I recently upgraded from to I first did it on a testsite to ensure that everything would work out fine. After solving a few small issues I upgraded the main site http://prima-test.dk and fixed the same small things.

Today I just discovered that on the main site I get this message (in Danish though) : "Product does not exist in this combination. Please select a different combination." The test site doesn't give me this error which is quite confusing since they're supposed to be identical...

What is also confusing is that I don't use any combinations or variants. I have used it on a few products before, but they have been disabled months ago and today I even tried deleting all combinations/variants and disabling it altogether under the Performance setting. Still to no avail.


Could anyone enlighten me on this or point me in the right direction?




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a similar problem, version


All my products have available quantities of over 100 in each attribute combination. However when i go to the site, click on a product it says "This combination does not exist for this product. Please select another combination."


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You can get that message when you have more than one attribute.


Say you sell boxes and you have the attribute color with the options red, yellow and green and the attribute size with the options S. M, L and XL. That makes for 3x4=12 combinations. 


Now assume that you have deleted the red XL's. Then you will get the "not exist" message if you select that option. 


There is little you can do about that...

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  • 1 month later...

I had this same problem as well, but i think this might be specific to me only. Anyway, i share my solution:


Inside your theme folder, look for : js folder. Example:




Inside this folder, try to look a javascript file called : 'product.js' and open it with your text editor (e.g. Sublime Text).

Find the following line:


i.e. Hit CTRL + F and search for 'combinationsFromController'

function updatePrice()
// Get combination prices
var combID = $('#idCombination').val();
var combination = combinationsFromController[combID];

if (typeof combination == 'undefined')

In my case, the reason that "Add to Cart" button is missing, because i had a javascript error that says : "variable combinationsFormController is not declared". REMEMBER, yours might be different.


Try to modify the above code so it looks like this:


function updatePrice()
// Get combination prices
var combID = $('#idCombination').val();
var combination = combinationsFromController[combID];
typeof combination = 'undefined';

if (typeof combination == 'undefined')

Notice that i add a new line : 

typeof combination = 'undefined';


  1. This is a temporary fix. Add that new only will always set the combination to 'undefined'. Meaning, your product combination will always fail to work. I don't mind with this, since my product does not required any combination.

The real solution would be to declare this var 'combinationsFromController'. However, i have no idea in which function or where should i declare that. Perhaps anyone knows ?


Hope this helps.

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