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Wishlist Problem(S)

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Hey there,


recently a customer reported that his wishlist was deleted partially. From about 100 articles just 9 were remaining.

Do products get deleted from wishlists when they are sold out / not available anymore? Or has something different happened?


Additionally when I go to the module configuration there is something odd with the dropdown selection of the customers: on top there are blank fields with no names (see screenshot). When I click on one of them I get redirected to one of the customers that are beneath the empty fields.

With developer mode on I get a lot of notices with "Undefined index: name" in some smarty script.

In the database I couldn't see something unnormal. It seems like the lost products of the customer aren't there also.



Wishlist 1.3.1


Thanks a lot.


Edited by RabbitZzZ (see edit history)
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