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Display different prices in store admin

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Hey guys!


I`m looking for a way to display different prices in Base Price and Final Price. I know that Final Price = Base Price + Tax but if you look at the database you will notice that there are 2 separate tables for these prices:

Base Price is in ps_product and Final Price (and the price displayed on the frontend) is in the ps_product_shop.


I need to make the admin retrieve the Final Price form the ps_product_shop table. Is there any way to do that? I need to mention that in the previous versions of Prestashop this worked without any modification.


In PS 1.6, the controller looks like this:

$this->_join .= ($join_category ? 'INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product` cp ON (cp.`id_product` = a.`id_product` AND cp.`id_category` = '.(int)$this->_category->id.')' : '').'
LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available` sav ON (sav.`id_product` = a.`id_product` AND sav.`id_product_attribute` = 0
'.StockAvailable::addSqlShopRestriction(null, null, 'sav').') ';
$this->_select .= 'cl.name `name_category` '.($join_category ? ', cp.`position`' : '').', '.$alias_image.'.`id_image`, '.$alias.'.`price`, 0 AS price_final, sav.`quantity` as sav_quantity, '.$alias.'.`active`';
$this->_group = 'GROUP BY '.$alias.'.id_product';
Thanks in advance!
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