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Product>link_rewrite is empty for default language

Guest Steven_king

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1.There are dozens of records in the csv files and they are nearly the same but why only 2 of them got the problem?

Anybody know why is this?

2.When I import csv files ,product page dosen't show on the front office ,see here:

[Fake website - Moderated by Patric]/apparel/3576-abercrombie-a-fitch-coats.html .

But sometimes there are not such problem. I am got stuck with this and could not proceed further.

Anybody can help? I am using version

Thank you.



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There are many bugs in the CSV import that have been fixed in v1.3. Can you install v1.3 beta 1 on a test site and see whether the problem still occurs? If you don't have time to do that, perhaps you can try downloading the latest AdminImport.php and overwrite the one in your store and see whether that fixes your problem.

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Hi rocky,

Thank you very much for your answer,you helped me a lot.

I installed 1.3 .0.3 days ago and got problem when imported products with csv(see the attached pic),somebody reported it to bug tracker and presta has not fixed yet.

Many csv bugs were fixed in version, it is nice,and google sitemap generater is better and the problem of the attribute group in BO of version is also fixed.However I got problem when upgraded from version 1.25 to and fear to use it again.I am using now.

Do you know is there any changes in database structure between version 1.2.5 and version 1.3 ?Is it safe to replace adminimport.php with the latest version's?

Sorry for my english and thank you.


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Yes, there are many changes to the database between v1.2.5 and v1.3.0.3. I'm not sure whether it is safe to replace AdminImport.php, but you can try it and if anything weird happens, you can simply overwrite it with the AdminImport.php from v1.2.5.

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