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Display a single CMS-Link at another position inside the block

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I try to place a single CMS-Link at another position (outside the normal CMS-list) inside the block "Block - Info v1.1" or "Footer links block v0.1". The name of the link should be displayed in the language, the customer has chosen.

I know how to set a normal link inside the templates "blockuserinfo.tpl" or "blockvariouslinks.tpl". But if I do so, the language of the link does not change if the user changes the language of the page.

I need a few CMS-Links to be displayed in the block (without legal notice). Then there should follow a normal text. This works so far. But the normal text should be followed by the CMS-Link "legal notice". In my settings, the legal notice has the CMS ID "2".

I added this line in the template of the block:
<a href=”{$base_dir_ssl}cms.php?id_cms=2” title=“Legal Notice”>Legal Notice

The link works so far, but of course it will be displayed only as "Legal Notice", even if the user has chosen the German language (the link name should be "Impressum" instead).

I have to insert the cms_lang meta title somehow. But I don't know how!!! I never studied a computer language, so I would be thankful for professional help.

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rumata solved this problem in the german section. You can read it here

Thanks to him.

Solution in English:

the link in the "blockvariouslinks.tpl "must look like this:

{l s='your new text' mod='blockvariouslinks'} 

After editing this, you just need to go to the translation tool in the backend and translate the new name "your new text" to the other language. That's it.

(If you want to add this link to another block than "blockvariouslink.tpl", you have to change 'blockvariouslink' into the name of the block you are working on)

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