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I can export products to ebay


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[EDIT]:Obviously I meant that I can not export products. I had a typo in the title. Sorry.




When I try to export any product this message appears:





El artículo no se puede poner en venta ni modificar. El título o la descripción pueden contener palabras prohibidas, o bien el anuncio o el vendedor pueden estar infringiendo la política de eBay.

Nos dirigimos a ti para comunicarte que hemos bloqueado tu cuenta de eBay de modo que a partir de ahora no podrás poner en venta más artículos. Con el fin de contribuir a preservar la integridad y seguridad de eBay, es posible que, en determinadas ocasiones, establezcamos límites de venta para las cuentas de vendedor.

Agradecemos tu colaboración. Queremos dejar claro que este límite de venta en ningún caso significa que ponemos en duda tu historial con eBay o tu prestigio dentro de la comunidad eBay. Para resolver esta situación, puedes ponerte en contacto con el departamento Confianza y seguridad de eBay; para ello, utiliza el formulario que encontrarás en la siguiente página de la Ayuda:


Eres un miembro valorado de nuestra comunidad y deseamos seguir manteniendo contigo esta relación. Gracias por tu tiempo.


Product(s) concerned :


This message only appears en prestashop, I can create new products manually in ebay and all works OK, even if the product have the same name and description of a product that gives error in prestashop. I have contacted ebay and they say that the error is external to them (of the module of prestashop).


Anyone else has happened? Any idea to fix it?

Edited by TheBullet (see edit history)
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As you may understand this error generated by ebay.

From our experience very often this happens to new seller due to ebay restriction.

Please check this article http://www.theonlineseller.com/2012/07/02/ebay-uk-restricts-use-of-3rd-party-listing-tools/

Only possible way to solve it it's contact ebay customer support.


Sometimes this also be connected to number of listings allowed in specific ebay category. So please also try to do manual list in exactly the same category.

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  On 11/12/2015 at 2:49 PM, Involic said:

As you may understand this error generated by ebay.

From our experience very often this happens to new seller due to ebay restriction.

Please check this article http://www.theonlineseller.com/2012/07/02/ebay-uk-restricts-use-of-3rd-party-listing-tools/

Only possible way to solve it it's contact ebay customer support.


Sometimes this also be connected to number of listings allowed in specific ebay category. So please also try to do manual list in exactly the same category.


Hello involic. Thanks for answering.
What you say makes sense and I think that may be the cause, because the account is new and I have not made any sales.
The strange thing is that ebay customer support just say that the only restriction that has my account is a limit of 100 products and 3600€ in sales....
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