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Does Prestashop require any rewrite rules (currently on


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I have moved Prestashop over to another server that runs nginx instead of apache. I haven't transferred my root htaccess file because nginx doesn't use them and instead uses configuration files for rewrites. However, the store seems to be working fine without any previous rewrite rules in place. I plan to be using multistore in the future. Do I need to be concerned with any rewrite rules that Prestashop may require? Also, I noticed that Friendly URLs got turned off, but the URLs of the pages did not change. Is that something I should worry about going forward?

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Well, here's what I know: The site is running and all of the "Friendly URLs" that are listed in the first section of the SEO & URLs page are indeed working. This makes me think that they are translated somewhere in code, not by the web server.


On the old server the Friendly URLs were enabled but none of the settings below that switch were changed, so I'm guessing the defaults are friendly enough. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but ids cannot be removed from the urls because Prestashop lists them as required keywords in URL routes in the section "Schema of URLs".


So, my question is this: Are there any rewrite rules that are absolutely essential for Prestashop 1.6.1.x to function, or are rewrite rules not necessary any longer because most translations are now done in code? Any developers who can shed light on this?

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