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Free Shipping! shows untill adress is entered, how can this be changed?

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I am using version  When a product is added to the cart the popup displays this:


Total products $219.98
Total shipping  Free shipping!
Total $219.98
Problem is when the customer gets their address entered or signs in then the shipping amount shows a dollar amount. This makes the customers upset. I offer free shipping sometimes, but don't want to for everything all of the time. This would be better if it displayed "sign in" or "enter address" to calculate shipping, instead of displaying it wrong at first.
I am using UPS and USPS modules.
My question is this; how can I prevent Free Shipping! from being displayed unless it is actually free shipping?
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  • 6 months later...

I'm having the same issue with the same version of PS.  Did you ever get it resolved?  Mine shows free shipping on the quick view popup after adding something to the cart, on the cart summary, in the block cart and at the end once They've entered their address!  The catch is, after they enter their address and select the shipping method and price, it adds it to the total but still says free shipping.  I'm using the EasyPost module for shipping....

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