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Changing the image slider in the default template into a static image banner

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I'm quite new to Prestashop. Until now configuring the system wasn't a problem, but I got stuck with the following. I hope that someone can help me out.


I am creating a webshop using the default template. But my client would like to get rid of the image slider on the homepage, and display a static banner (same size) instead. I tried to add just one image to the slider module, but then you still get the arrows on the banner. Is it possible to delete the slider and replace it with a simple banner?





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Hi Paul,


I'd rather get rid of the image slider block, and just put a block with an image instead. Isn't it possible to create a 'CMS information block' (containing just an image) and hook it to displayTopColumn? This would seem like the most logical solution to me, but Prestashop doesn't allow me to put such a block under that hook.. Any idea?



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