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Cannot install module.....

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I am creating a new them based on the default theme files.  I am trying to install the block link module, but I keep gettgin this error:


"This module needs to be hooked to a column, but your theme does not implement one"


But I DO have a left column!!  I don't understand why it thinks I don't.  The block categories module is using the left column just fine!


What's the issue?




OK, so I went back and set the theme to have a default left column (it had neither as I hadn't wanted to go through disabling a load of pages as I didn't want it on all pages, so thought it easier to ENABLE manually ratehr than DISABLE.....anyhow, this is now set as default left column).  However, now I get this error:


The following module(s) could not be installed properly:

  • blocklink :

Sooooo, what's up now???

Edited by babyewok (see edit history)
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