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Inserting pure HTML and CSS in footer.tpl


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I'm trying to add pure HTML directly in footer.tpl file of the theme but didn't showed in the index(home) page on the site. 


This is current footer.tpl file:

{if !isset($content_only) || !$content_only}

						</div><!-- #center_column -->
                        {if isset($left_column_size) && !empty($left_column_size)}
                            <div id="left_column" class="column col-xs-12 col-sm-{$left_column_size|intval}">{$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN}</div>
					{if isset($right_column_size) && !empty($right_column_size)}
						<div id="right_column" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-{$right_column_size|intval} column">{$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN}</div>
					</div><!-- .row -->
				</div><!-- #columns -->
<div class="neshto"> dsdfdsgfdhfdgfdssadfds</div>
                {if isset($HOOK_HOME) && $HOOK_HOME|trim}
                	<div class="home-column">
                        <div class="container">


			</div><!-- .columns-container -->

			{if isset($HOOK_FOOTER)}
				<!-- Footer -->

				<div class="footer-container"><div class="footer-container-inner">
					<footer id="footer"  class="container">
						<div class="row">{$HOOK_FOOTER}</div>
				</div></div><!-- #footer -->
		</div><!-- #page -->

{include file="$tpl_dir./global.tpl"}

I'm trying to insert simple div at the beginning of the file

<div class="test"> Testing </div>

It didn't showed on the page. So how can I insert code directly in the source code.. ?

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